Here I am, back finally after an interesting year. I changed my job, now I'm working for jBilling from home. Working in a remote company is a challenging experience, and in particular it let you understand that clean code (well written, full tested and easy to extend and change) is something that you can't live without. This year I want to start a project to search for the perfect software combination to create a complex project. Until now I have never started working on a personal project, now I think I'm ready. I will create a CMS. The idea is to try to reproduce the same things with 3 different languages, Java 8, Clojure and Scala in the backend. For the frontend I will go with Angular JS, that will communicate through Rest services to the backend. If you have any suggestion on the framework that I will have to use feel free to comment here. I would like to do something that will be interesting for anyone that is going to read this. Talk to you soon.