Week1 Videos

In the first week Martine spoke about the importance of Reactive Programming, I suggest you to watch the videos of the course (Principles of Reactive Programming).

Code for video: Recap: Functions and Pattern Matching

In this video there is an implementation of a Json parser with case classes, and a show methods, one possible implementation in clojure is:

Here I used a simple Map with Json inside, the show method is pretty_json, instead of match I used multi function.

Code for video: Functional Random Generators

In this video Martin introduce the idea of functional generators to use for tests made with ScalaCheck, we will use clojurecheck that is a property base testing framework like ScalaCheck.
The code of generators is:
I jumped the two recap video on language because I think that who came on this blog is a clojure developer, but if you want I can make a little tutorial on clojure.


  1. Little thing, I wrote function name with _ instead of - Sorry I was quite tired yesterday :)


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