How to style your input file in Reagent with Bootstrap
Ok this caused me a lot of headache, hope it will help anyone. In bootstrap the only way to style a input with type file, is to close it in a label. Like this: <label class="btn btn-default btn-file"> Browse <input type="file" style="display: none;"> </label> Unfortunately, as things are now, the only way to do something like this in Reagent is to set the InnerHhtml and do something like this: (defn ^:export on-click [event] (js/alert "Upload Button Clicked") (defn ^:export on-change [event] (js/alert "File Changed) (def input-html "<input id='upload-file' name='updload-file' type='file' style='display: none;' onclick='{ns}.table.on_click(event)' onchange='{ns}.table.on_change(event);'></input>") [:label.btn.btn-primary.col-span-1 {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html (str (label-input "Select File") input-...