How to do an upload using REST (Swagger) and Clojurescript (ajav
Hoping to help someone else that is also struggling with this.
I have used Luminus with Reagent to try this.
Luminus come with Swagger for REST API, it's a great tool because it gives you the possibility to try the API as soon as you have write it.
This is the code to write a REST end-point that accept a file in upload
Once you have added this. You should see in your Swagger ui (localhost:3000/swagger-ui) your new API, with the possibility to already send a file to try your logic (do-something-with)
Now let's go to the Clojurescript call (that is the hardest part, I lost an evening to figure out the right combination)
Hope this post will be useful.
Coming soon... How to style your input with a file using Bootstrap, Reagent and Clojurescript. How changing the label using a Reagent atom can give you some headache.
I have used Luminus with Reagent to try this.
Luminus come with Swagger for REST API, it's a great tool because it gives you the possibility to try the API as soon as you have write it.
This is the code to write a REST end-point that accept a file in upload
(ns your-clojure-ns (:require [ring.util.http-response :refer :all] [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all] [schema.core :as s] [ring.swagger.upload :as upload]) (defapi service-routes {:swagger {:ui "/swagger-ui" :spec "/swagger.json" :data {:info {:version "1.0.0" :title "Sample API" :description "Sample Services"}}}} (context "/your-context" [] :tags ["Your Context"] (POST "/upload" [] :multipart-params [file :- upload/TempFileUpload] :middleware [upload/wrap-multipart-params] (ok (let [{:keys [filename tempfile]} file ] (do-something-with tempfile) {:success true}))))You should already have the right imports in the file created by Luminus, the only one that you have to add is [ring.swagger.upload :as upload] that will give you the Middleware to use for your request.
Once you have added this. You should see in your Swagger ui (localhost:3000/swagger-ui) your new API, with the possibility to already send a file to try your logic (do-something-with)
Now let's go to the Clojurescript call (that is the hardest part, I lost an evening to figure out the right combination)
(ns your-clojurescript-ns (:require [ajax.core :refer [GET POST]])) (defn upload-file [file] (letfn [(handle-response-ok [] (js/alert "File Uploaded") (handle-response-error [] (js/alert "There were problems during the upload"))] (let [form-data (doto (js/FormData.) (.append "file" file))] (POST "/your-context/upload" {:body form-data :response-format :json :keywords? true :handler handle-response-ok :error-handler handle-response-error}))))(.append "file" file) is very important, file is the same name you used in the clojure namespace as parameter, also you have to send the form-data as :body, if you try to send it as a :params (like is written around in internet) you will have an error.
Hope this post will be useful.
Coming soon... How to style your input with a file using Bootstrap, Reagent and Clojurescript. How changing the label using a Reagent atom can give you some headache.
Awesome summary. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteQuite late reply :D but Thanks